Wednesday, 30 July 2008

My Brother's Birthday card made with the Jayne Netley Mayhew CD from Joanna Sheen. This is one of the most inspiring papercrafting CDs I have ever used. The images are beautiful and cover all aspects of nature from wild flowers to big cats. The tiger is one of a collection of book marks. I used the cheetah for the base as I loved the colourway but intend to make an "all tiger" card next. I have made a similar card using the siamese cat image but it has decoupaged glittered flowers on it and is not scanning very successfully, and as it is very pale colourway is scanning as black and white. I will have to get a really good scanner I think and also get better with the camera.

Thursday, 24 July 2008

I have a picture!

I have managed to add a picture now so it looks as if I am getting the hang of it very slowly.I will try to upload pics of some of the lovely artwork I have rec'd.

Monday, 7 July 2008

Peacock Summer Party

I have just been watching C&C pick of the week and it is the most amazing CD from Artylicious and some fabulous stamps. They are quite lovely and are a must for any crafter. Take a peek and see what you think.

Wednesday, 2 July 2008

Hooray-I've done it

I have managed to take a fairly clear photo of one of my cards and add to my gallery on the Joanna Sheen Forum. I still need practice with the camera though. The hardest part seems to be finding a place to put the subject so you can photograph without flash and avoid shadows. I will keep persevering.